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에버런 E-BOOK 활용 해외 소식

사용자 삽입 이미지

에버런에 대해 해외에서 많은 호감도가 있다는 것을 느낄 수 있습니다.

정말 다양하게 사용하는 모습을 보면 에버런이 참 무궁한 가능성을 보여주는 구나 하는
생각이 들고 또한 에버런을 기다리는 유저분들에게 기다리는 기쁨을 안겨줄거라 생각됩니다.

빨리 출시가 되었으면 좋겠죠? ^^


이번에는 E-BOOK으로 활용한 모습입니다. 딸 수영수업이 끝나기를 기다리면서

카페에서 에버런을 꺼내 책읽는 프로그램(MobiPocket Reader) 을 다운받아 읽는
모습을 쭉  나열했는데 상당히 만족해 하는 모습을 글에서 느낄 수 있었습니다.
NICE COMBO!! 라고 외칩니다. ^^

7월말 출시한다고 하는데 기다림이 더 즐겁고도 힘겨워 지는 소식입니다.

원문: I apologize if this Everun coverage is getting a bit overbearing. Its just that there doesn't seem to be any other good UMPC news around at the moment and I just can't put the Everun down. Its soooooo gadget and I soooooo want to write about it!

This morning, while I was waiting for my daughter to finish swimming class, I walked over to a cafe and sat outside with the Everun. It was bright (overcast though) and I had no problem reading the screen. It made me think about e-books so I downloaded MobiPocket reader just too see if it was any good in portrait mode. It was good! I think this is going to make a very nice e-book reader indeed. The text was legible, even when zoomed out you could easily read the test. With the keyboard you can flick through and the mouse makes it very easy to access the menus too.

I've never been a fan of e-books. Just like I enjoy having a CD case with cover art, I also like to have the paper book rather than a few hundred thousand bits on a disk. This might change my mind though. With the long battery life, light weight, good screen and the (rather large) bonus of having a full PC in your hand, it makes better sense to me than a dedicated device.